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A fundraising strategic plan is a must for all non-profit organisations. Without it, you risk running a haphazard fundraising program that fails to meet its goals and worse: one that alienates your donors.


A strategic plan is a blueprint for your fundraising success. It provides a roadmap that allows you to focus your efforts, plan out your yearly fundraising calendar, and guides your strategy and tactics across all your fundraising activities.



The Anatomy of a Fundraising Plan


OK: you know you need to write a plan. You know who is going to write it, and that person has consulted with all of the appropriate stakeholders. What should the plan include?


1.  The Goal


The best starting point for your plan is with the end point in mind: what is your overall fundraising goal? (Even better: what is your overall fundraising goal for this year, and for each of the next four years?) This number should not be drawn out of thin air. It should be based on the needs of your organisation. How much money will your cause need to raise to achieve its mission and deliver its core services?


2.  The Mission / Your Message


If the goal answers the question, “How much money do you need?” then the

mission answers the question, “Why do you need it?” What is your organisation’s mission? What do you plan to do with the money your wonderful donors give to you? What is your operating budget, and why?


3.  The Tactics


Once you know how much you need to raise and why you need to raise it, you

need to figure out how you are going to raise the required funds. This is where SCG Precision can help you: what strategies and activities will you employ to raise your goal amount this year? Next year? The year after across each of these programs?


• Individual Giving   • Major Donor   • Mid-value donors   • Acquisition

• Donor Bonding   • Direct Mail   • Online and E-Giving   • Telemarketing

• Grants – Foundations, Corporate, Government   • Corporate Giving Programs
• Annual Giving and Multi-Year Giving Campaign  • Peer to-Peer Fundraising


4.  The Timeline


This is where many organisations stumble! They have a great mission and draw up a plan that includes a solid group of fundraising tactics, but they fail to set

timelines, and never seem to get things done. SCG Precision can help you deliver

your strategy on time and on budget.


5.  Resources


Finally, what resources do you need to achieve the goals and activities outlined in your strategic program? Who will carry out those activities (including staff and external suppliers like SCG Precision)?

Strategic planning is critical to the success of any fundraising program: but it can be challenging. Let SCG Precision’s team of fundraising experts work with you to develop your blueprint for fundraising success.

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