The relationship between donors and charitable causes is built on trust.
And transparency and accountability are critical to building and maintaining that trust.
Seamless and timely gift processing is one of the benchmarks of good fundraising, and at SCG Precision, we have the tools and technology to process donations on your behalf: accurately and efficiently.
When you entrust your gift processing to SCG Precision, you’ll save time and budget, while maintaining full auditability, visibility, and PCI compliancy. Whether you use our Gift Processing service year-round, or only during heavy response times, you’ll save precious staff resources.
Solutions can be tailored to your unique requirements. We’re flexible and
• Choose direct payments to your bank account and interface with your CRM.
• Bulk credit card processing, fast and fully reconciled, and other payment directly to Bank.
• Full reporting and audit pack available.
• Enquiries handled efficiently via online secure compliant 24/7 document
library/repository direct from your desk or mobile device.
We’re forever finding new ways to save fundraisers time and money when it comes to opening, sorting and processing donations. We convert paper responses to digital documents, flag donor categories via business rules, provide customisable data streams… and more.